Monthly Archives: May 2015

Broken Hearts



A broken heart can’t be healed with a lot of money,

neither by using dishonestly sly words like “honey”.

To heal a heart You need honesty, respect, true, unconditional love,

not blaming games, parasitic intentions, permanent abusive shove.

by Petia Ganeva

from the poetry book ” Simple Life Lessons Part II”

Pure Beauty

True beauty comes only from a pure, innocent heart,

not from a dark spark, masquerading externally stark,

the smart mind of a shark with a bestial sexual remark,

creeping like an insect larva with the aim profanely to lark and cruelly carve


goodness,  purity for sadistic amusement throughout excitingly to starve.

by Petia Ganeva

from the poetry book “Simple Life Lessons Part II”

Der richtige Mann

Der Richtige Mann für mich wäre, 

der nicht wie eine rostige Schere, 

mein Herz mit tiefschürfenden Wunden vermehrt 

mit schrecklicher Leere erfüllt und falsch belehrt, 

sondern mir seine Liebe zierlich erklärt, 

meinen Verstand und Seele ganz klärt 

und mit mir liebend gern zusammen im Flammen der ewigen Liebe 

im himmlischen Friede   

kreiert, musiziert, spaziert, lachend fantasiert, studiert, 

durch seine innige Liebe zum Schreiben voll inspiriert, 

statt mich immer wieder lieblos, grob fallen zu lassen, 

mich brutal dazu zu zwingen, sich an ihn anzupassen, 

dabei den Überblick, die Ansicht, das Gefühl nicht verliert, 

dass Liebe auf diese Weise überhaupt, gar nicht passiert. 

vielmehr nur Lügen, Falschheit fett schmiert und inszeniert.

 by Petia Ganeva

Ich lache , wenn Du lachst

An Andy 🙂

Ich lache, wenn du lachst.
Ich bin traurig, wenn du traurig bist.
Ich bin glücklich, wenn du glücklich bist.
Ich ärgere mich, wenn du dich ärgerst.
Ich habe Angst, wenn du Angst hast.

Ich liebe mich, wenn du mich liebst. 

Ich fühle mich wohl, wenn du dich wohl fühlst,
aber ich ersticke, wenn du mir auf die Pelle aggressiv und mit Härte drückst,

mich bedrückst und unterdrückst,
weil Du Dich unsicher und verängstigst,

unbeachtet, enttäuscht, verletzt verstummst.

Petia Ganeva

This is a love poem in German, which is not finished and I will translate it later in English.


Idealization leads just to hurtful disappointments and uselless frustration.
You decrease in this way regrettably, alas your own peronality worthiness,
when you praise shoddy idols and people with blindly, naive storminess.
Narrow worshipping can’t nourish the soul with love and compassion,
causes self doubts, low self esteem, psychic and emotional emptiness.
It is the path, which guides you to your own soul cremation,
losing directly your unique identity and existence validation.
It is a distinct indication for a spiritual dim stagnation,
which brings you forth a harrowing, infernal damnation.
Respect and love worthy human with a due appreciation,
but do not forget your honorable character set
and the everlasting Creator’s perfect silhouette:
Only God, Jesus and divine beings deserve the biggest, eternal admiration.

by Petia Ganeva

from the poetry book Simple Life Lessons Part I

Your IQ


Don’t panic at all and be not pointelessly, distractedly afraid.

Your IQ isn’t dermined by Your money, race and body height.

You can increase Your intelligence, if You overcome the Illuminati shade.

Hence, Your intellectual and personal rate will rapidly grow

by having in God an unshakeable, strong, loving faith

Let the dark, narrow – minded, oppressing spirit limitations fast fall,

extend blissfully Your consciousness and abundance shall soon befall. 

by Petia


My Heart is Pure

My heart is absolutely, always good, warm, gentle & pure.

I don’t need a sodomic NSA & FBI telepathic pseudo cure,

when I am totally,  perfectly more than sure,

God and Jesus love me eternally and secure.

The evil, cruel, dark spirits, which bestially after me lure,

can’t make with me an eternal grand sodomy, rude tour 

by raping,  bloodsucking my body, mind & soul real impure

with the aim to injure me





to obscure

                                          their wicked, twisted, deviant, schizoid reptilian insane procure.

by Petia Ganeva

Overweight and height

I can’t and I don’t want to change my body height.

I honor my not purposefully gained physical overweight.

It is never too late to better your body shape,

but do not made it because of others and of your self hate.

Be guided by loving feelings and appreciate,

the form, which you want to take and create.

Don’ t forget your personal, individual height,

which establish your true confidence and spiritual overweight,

so that you can overcome many unfair critics and foreign hate.

Let God and Jesus show You the lenght,

how you can increase your soul and spirit height……

by Petia Ganeva