Daily Archives: December 25, 2016

The Illuminati Plagues

Illuminati Plagues drain the entire humanity, 

feed it with ignorance and brutal insanity. 

The darkness took over the  light.

It suppresses it  with deviant might.

Everywhere rule terror and slight.

The dark vision became the universal division.

God’s commandments are in collision, turn into elision.

The world follows the wicked mind of the beast, 

which celebrates daily its evil, murderous feast.

Anti- Christs, false prophets preach allegedly normality and compassion, 

while they covertly invoke demons and obey the devil,

and  proclaim Ruach Ha Kodesh as perverse and evil. 

The world leaders promote plagues and turn the world into ashen. 

Raping and false accusing are their permanent fashion and passion.

Petia Ganeva